Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Swapping Stadiums

Moving everything you currently own from the Superdome to the Astrodome.


Please pray for the families affected by hurricane Katrina!

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Pat Robertson

A man claiming to be a minister of Jesus Christ calling his flock to kill another man.

Heretical, anti-Christian, blasphemous pulpits of LAMENESS!!!!

Monday, August 22, 2005

Monday Night Exhibition Football

Blacked out in Seattle.

Lame! Lame! Lame! Lame!

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

You Thought Gas Prices Were Bad

Sure, three bucks a gallon in the PNW is inevitable. I own two Volvos, so I feel the extra pinch having to put premium gas in them. At least I don't own a Suburban, and my commute is rather short (unless it's my day to go the opposite direction to drop off the kid at his daycare).

With the ever-skyrocketing cost of textbooks (nevermind the tuition and "fees"), I'm thankful, that I graduated from college nearly 10 years ago. Even back then (no, not quite back in the days of walking 5 miles uphill both ways in the snow to school) the price of textbooks was insanely ridiculous. You couldn't sell 'em back, quite frequently, because the instructor/professor either changed textbooks completely the next quarter, or required the newest edition, which really only had a few subtle changes in it (unless it was a math book). I swear the college instructors' and professors' unions had massive amounts of stock in textbook publishing companies.

Monopolistic fibers of inky LAMENESS!!!!

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Kansas City Royals Games Blacked out in Arkansas

Now, I don't live in Arkansas, and I've never been there. But I know someone who does, and happens to be an M's fan. It just so happens that yesterday's Felix masterpiece was blacked out in Arkansas, completely frustrating a certain paying customer.

I agree with Jeremy -- I hate blackouts!

Money-grubbing, buckets of LAMENESS!!!!

Fast Forward

Fast forward to 2011. A 26-year-old free agent, Felix Hernandez, leaves the organization that brought him along to greatness and signs a 10-year $1 billion contract to join the division-rival Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim. Seems he was very heavily influenced by his favorite Star Wars character, and felt very sympathetic towards Anakin Skywalker. The Mariners Messiah, as he's now known (since far exceeding his infantile royal title of King Felix), the chosen one, says it wasn't about the money, but about the chance to win.

Hypertranspondic unruly bottles of LAMENESS!!!!

Monday, August 15, 2005

What's Weak, A Few Weeks Ago

Okay, maaaaany weeks ago. I just thought it was worth posting.

Famed "Waiting for Star Wars" guy Jeff Tweiten killed time at one point in January making the following Lame List:

Having never seen Episode II in the theaters:


Your 2005 Mariners, What a Show!

Let the "Lame!" flow. Call out individual members, the whole team, the ballboy, or anything somewhat related to the 2005 M's.

Welcome to The Lame List!

Since most of my frustrations come from watching Mariners baseball, I've decided to create another blog to vent such frustrations. However, The Lame List will most definitely not be limited to M's baseball, or even sports for that matter.

Because much in life is lame!

Want in on the Lameness?
Send an e-mail to "TheLameList"--at--"AcuityDesign"--dot--"com" (replace the stuff in dashes with the appropriate symbol, and remove all quotes) with a good reason why you should be invited to author this blog, and I'll surely consider it.